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Growing Mango Trees
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Mango Tree



Mangoes are the apple of the tropics and are one of the most commonly eaten fruits world wide. Mangoes vary in size, shape, and colors range from green, yellow, red or purple, but usually it is a combination of several shades. The flesh is yellow to orange and when ripe has the texture of a peach, the flavor also resembles a peach but with a distinct tropical sweetness. Mangoes originated in India and Southeast Asia and thus there are basically two types of Mangos, Indian and Indo-Chinese. Indian Mangoes have brightly colored fruit where Indo-Chinese mangoes typically do not.

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Mangoes should be planted in full sun and well drained soil, however because of occasional frost in the salt river basin it is often a good idea to plant near your home or under the canopy of a larger tree. Think what would be the warmest part of your yard during the winter months and that will probably be the best suited location for your mango tree, don't worry about summer sun and heat, they love it. When removing the tree from its container it is extremely important not to damage or disturb the roots, especially the tap root. Never pull the tree from the container by the trunk, it is most often the cause of irreversible shock. Loosen the soil 1-3 feet around the planting site, dig a hole twice as wide as the container and no deeper than the root ball, though do loosen the soil at the bottom of the hole. Carefully cut the bottom of the nursery container and place the tree with the remaining pot in the hole, the root ball should be 1-2 inches above the surrounding soil to allow for settling and better drainage. Next cut the sides and remove the container, now you may back fill the hole. Use any remaining soil to build a berm around the tree 3-4 inches high and fill with water. Use B-1 also for the first few times you water, just follow the instructions on the bottle.

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Mangoes require consistent soil moisture if they are to prduce high-qualify fruit so should be watered regulary. When first planting you should water every day or two for a couple of weeks, making sure not to let the root ball dry out, then gradually back off the watering frequency so that after 6 weeks you are watering every two-three days or so in the summer and every week to two weeks in the winter. If we have a normal winter with accompaning rains you may not need to water at all during those months After several years you tree will be well established and be less sensitive to moisture levels. Mangoes in the tropics typically experence one wet season and one dry season, meaning for about 6 months they receive little or no rain and the next 6 months rain almost every day.

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Mangoes are tropical and very sensitive to frost and freeze damage, especially young trees. Fruit and flowers are damaged at 40 degrees fahrenheit, permanent damage can occur in any size tree at 32 degrees f. Luckily frost and light freezes are rare and when they do happen they are most often only for a few hours just before sunrise. Frost damage can be avoided or minimized by planting under a roof overhang or under the canopy of another tree. Covering with frost cloth is also a good idea but remember the cloth must extend to the ground in order to trap heat being released from the ground and must be removed in the day time when the temperature rises above freezing. Mulch traps ground heat so should also be removed during winter months. A hard freeze though not typical can occur in any year and covering alone is not enough. In these un typical years a heat source along with covering is your best defense. Since the cold nights correspond with the holiday months, old fashioned Christmas lights are a great idea. Other suggestions is using a 60watt or higher bulb suspended by a shop light.

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Don't use chemical fertilizers on newly planted mango trees for the first two years. After this time you may give regular applicatinos of nitrogen fertilizer to promote healthy growth flushes and flower production, follow a feeding program similar to citrus. Chelated micronutrients, especially iron are also often necessary. Keep in mind if you use chemical fertilizers, less is more, apply at a rate and strength of 50 percent less than is listed on the package. You may use organic fertilizers such as compost, fish emulsion, liquid seaweed etc. once your tree is established.

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Mangoes need rich organic well draining soil. Mix 50 percent of your native soil and 50 percent of a All-In-One soil mix. Don't use potting soil as it has too much peat moss. If you can't find a All-In-One product you can mix your own by using equal parts of mulch, sand and your own soil. A bag of mulch around the drip line once or twice a year will also help keep your soil in check and provide valuable nutrients, just remember to keep mulch a foot or more from the trunk of the tree.

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Winds cause a great deal of damage to trees in the valley each year, especially during monsoon season. We recommend staking newly planted trees for the first year and afterwards stake during periods of high winds such as spring winds and monsoon season.

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Mangoes love heat and take full sun, yes even Arizona desert sun. Since young trees are green house grown, they should be acclimated to the full sun slowly. Use a temporary shade item such as a beach umbrella for the first couple of weeks. Trees planted in the midst of summer should be given protection from the western sun for the their first summer.

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Name of Mango
Plant size
Alphonso June-July Large warm sweet, sometimes pleasantly tart oval in shape, 4-6 inches long golden yellow almost fibreless

Bailey's Marvel
July-mid August Large superb, juicy, sweet medium-sized, oval-shaped yellow to reddish fiberless
Beverly mid-July to mid-August - sweet creamy, aromatic large, can weigh up to three pounds dull green fiberless
Bombay July Large very sweet medium, ovate, oblique yellow or brownish yellow almost fibreless
Brahm Kai Meu June-July medium-size tree excellent sweet and crunchy as an apple - - fiberless
Carrie June- July

Medium size tree

excellent sweet and tangy, highly aromatic regular ovate, small, 10-12 oz green to yellow fiberless
Cogshell June-July semi-dwarf,this “condo mango” is suitable for container growing on a balcony sweet 10-16 oz green to yellow fiberless
Cushman July to August medium-size tree creamy resembles a grapefruit in size and shape yellow-greenish fiberless
East Indian - - - - - -
Edwards June-July Large sweet, aromatic 12-15 oz golden yellow with a reddish blush fiberless
Fairchild June-July Small, condo-mango juicy, excellent - yellow-greenish fiberless
Glenn June-July Medium size sweet, delicious 12-18 oz yellow to pink to red little fiber
Haden October to December, March to May medium to large luscious, full sweet medium to large, an oval to round shape 6-24 oz green to yellow with red highlights
little fiber
Ice Cream June- July dwarf tree, ideal for container growing sweet - small green little fiber
Irwin June-July dwarf tree, ideal for container growing sweet oblong-ovate, one shoulder oblique,12-16 oz orange to pink with extensive dark-red blush fiberless
Jakarta June to August large juicy, sweet. large deep orange to red with numerous white dots fiberless
Julie July-August dwarf tree ideal for container growing juicy, sweet oblong, obliquely, small (6-10 oz.) orange rather fibrous
Keitt August to October Medium sweet, tangy large, oval shape20-26 oz.
green with slight dark red blush
minimal fiber
Kent January to March, May to August Very large sweet, juicy, tender
large, oval shape,20 - 26 oz
greenish skin with dark red blush and small yellow dots fiberless
Lancitilla August-September semi-dwarf tree sweet large, five pound blood red fiberless
Lemon Merengue - - - - - -
Madam Blanc - - - - - -
Madame Francis June-July medium to large richly flavored large, flattened, kidney-shaped light-green, slightly yellowish or orange low-fiber
Mallika June-July dwarf tree ideal for container growing sweet, honey-like flavor,highly aromatic 10-16 oz canary-yellow to Pink fiberless
Nam Doc Mai June-July medium-size tree tender, juicy elongated 12-20 oz green-gold to bright yellow fiberless
Okrung June-August Medium size soft, juicy, very sweet with low acid medium green-yellow fiberless
Okrung tong - - - - - -
Palmer July and August sometimes into September Tree is medium to large - oblong-ovate, large, 20-30 oz orange-yellow with red blush fiberless
Philippine June- July Large sweet small yellow fiberless
Pim Seng Mun early June medium-size tree refreshingly delicious with flavor similar to a green apple. medium, 12-20 oz green to yellow fiberless
Rosigold - - - - - -
Southern Blush June- July - juicy medium-sized orange-yellow with red blush little fiber
Springfels July to August Medium size juicy, sweet large (to 3lbs) pink to red with yellow little fiber
Valencia Pride July-August Large excellent, sweet, tangy large, long, 21-32 oz pink to red with yellow fiberless
Zill May, June, July medium-size tree sweet almost round, apex oblique, small, 8-12 oz yellow with red blush little fib


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